Volume 48 | Number 2pt2 | April 2013
Simulation Methods in Health Services Research: Applications for Policy, Management, and Practice
Opportunities and Challenges in Supply‐Side Simulation: Physician‐Based Models
Carole Roan Gresenz, David I. Auerbach Ph.D., Fabian Duarte Ph.D.
Practice Variation, Bias, and Experiential Learning in Cesarean Delivery: A Data‐Based System Dynamics Approach
Navid Ghaffarzadegan Ph.D., M.B.A., Andrew J. Epstein, Erika G. Martin Ph.D.
Microsimulation of Financial Impact of Demand Surge on Hospitals: The H1N1 Influenza Pandemic of Fall 2009
Sabina Braithwaite M.D., M.P.H., Bernard Friedman, Ryan Mutter, Michael Handrigan M.D.
Resource Use Trajectories for Aged Medicare Beneficiaries with Complex Coronary Conditions
Jerome J. Federspiel A.B., Sally C. Stearns, Laura P. D'Arcy Ph.D., Kimberley H. Geissler Ph.D., Christopher A. Beadles M.D., Daniel J. Crespin M.S.P.H., Timothy S. Carey, Joseph S. Rossi M.D., Brett C. Sheridan M.D.
Simulating the Impact of Long‐Term Care Policy on Family Eldercare Hours
John P. Ansah Ph.D., David B. Matchar M.D., Sean R. Love B.A., Rahul Malhotra M.D., M.B.B.S., M.P.H., Young Kyung Do M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Angelique Chan Ph.D., Robert Eberlein Ph.D.
The Impact of Profitability of Hospital Admissions on Mortality
Richard C. Lindrooth, R. Tamara Konetzka Ph.D., Amol S. Navathe M.D., Ph.D., Jingsan Zhu, Wei Chen M.A., Kevin Volpp M.A., Ph.D.
Profiling Provider Outcome Quality for Pay‐for‐Performance in the Presence of Missing Data: A Simulation Approach
Andrew M. Ryan Ph.D., M.A., Yuhua Bao
Microsimulation of Private Health Insurance and Medicaid Take‐Up Following the U.S. Supreme Court Decision Upholding the Affordable Care Act
Stephen T. Parente Ph.D., Roger Feldman Ph.D.
Modeling Employer Self‐Insurance Decisions after the Affordable Care Act
Amado Cordova, Christine Eibner Ph.D., Raffaele Vardavas Ph.D., James Broyles Ph.D., Federico Girosi
Tax Subsidies for Employer‐Sponsored Health Insurance: Updated Microsimulation Estimates and Sensitivity to Alternative Incidence Assumptions
G. Edward Miller Ph.D., Thomas M. Selden
Income Eligibility Thresholds, Premium Contributions, and Children's Coverage Outcomes: A Study of CHIP Expansions
Carole Roan Gresenz, Sarah E. Edgington, Miriam J. Laugesen, José J. Escarce