Volume 45 | Number 5p1 | October 2010

Abstract List

Julie Bershadsky, Robert L. Kane


To compare the likelihood of intellectually and developmentally disabled (ID/DD) adults receiving a dental cleaning across places of residence.

Data Sources

Medicaid and Minnesota's Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) databases.

Study Design

All adults with DD assessments in MMIS in 2001–2002.

Data Extraction Methods

All completed DD assessments in 2001–2002 linked to Medicaid utilization data for same recipients for same years.


The most disabled individuals are generally least likely to receive a dental cleaning. Individuals living in their own or a family home are less likely to receive the procedure than those living in ICF/MRs or a group home, even after controlling for disability, with those living in a group home falling in between ICF/MR and own/family home residents. The level of preventive dental care that ID/DD adults receive in community settings may be inadequate, particularly for persons living in own homes or with family.