Volume 53 | Number 6 | December 2018

Abstract List

Caitlin McArthur Ph.D., M.Sc.P.T., John Hirdes Ph.D., Ashok Chaurasia Ph.D., Katherine Berg, Lora Giangregorio Ph.D.


To describe the proportion of residents receiving rehabilitation in long‐term care () homes, and scores on activities of daily living () and falls quality indicators (s) before and after change from fee‐for‐service to an episode of care model; and to evaluate the effect of the change on the s.

Data Sources

Secondary data were collected from all homes in Ontario, Canada, between January 1, 2011 and March 31, 2015. Variables of interest were the proportion of residents per home receiving physical therapy (), and the scores on seven and one falls .

Study Design

Retrospective, longitudinal study.

Data Extraction

All data were extracted from the Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set.

Principal Findings

Fewer residents received after the policy change (84.6 percent, 2011; 56.6 percent, 2015). The policy change was associated with improved performance on several s. However, having a large proportion of residents receive no or little was associated with poorer performance on two of the s measuring improvement in s [No : −0.029 (−0.043 to −0.014); −0.048 (−0.068 to −0.027). <45 minutes per week: −0.012 (−0.026 to −0.002); −0.026 (−0.045 to −0.007);  < .01].


While controversial, the policy and subsequent service delivery change appears to be associated with improved performance on several s, except in homes where a large proportion of residents receive no and low time‐intensive .