Volume 43 | Number 4 | August 2008

Abstract List

Christine W. Hartmann, Amy K. Rosen Ph.D., Mark Meterko, Priti Shokeen, Shibei Zhao, Sara Singer, Alyson Falwell, David M. Gaba


To assess variation in safety climate across VA hospitals nationally.

Study Setting

Data were collected from employees at 30 VA hospitals over a 6‐month period using the Patient Safety Climate in Healthcare Organizations survey.

Study Design

We sampled 100 percent of senior managers and physicians and a random 10 percent of other employees. At 10 randomly selected hospitals, we sampled an additional 100 percent of employees working in units with intrinsically higher hazards (high‐hazard units [HHUs]).

Data Collection

Data were collected using an anonymous survey design.

Principal Findings

We received 4,547 responses (49 percent response rate). The percent problematic response—lower percent reflecting higher levels of patient safety climate—ranged from 12.0–23.7 percent across hospitals (mean=17.5 percent). Differences in safety climate emerged by management level, clinician status, and workgroup. Supervisors and front‐line staff reported lower levels of safety climate than senior managers; clinician responses reflected lower levels of safety climate than those of nonclinicians; and responses of employees in HHUs reflected lower levels of safety climate than those of workers in other areas.


This is the first systematic study of patient safety climate in VA hospitals. Findings indicate an overall positive safety climate across the VA, but there is room for improvement.