Volume 53 | Number S3 | December 2018
Linking VA and Non‐VA Data to Address US Veteran Health Services Issues
Commentary: Linking and Non‐ Data to Address Important Veteran Health Services Research Issues
Denise M. Hynes Ph.D., M.P.H., R.N., Matthew L. Maciejewski Ph.D., David Atkins M.D., M.P.H.
Fee‐for‐Service Medicare‐Enrolled Elderly Veterans Are Increasingly Voting with Their Feet to Use More and Less Medicare, 2003–2014
Chuan‐Fen Liu M.P.H., Ph.D., Adam Batten B.A., Edwin S. Wong Ph.D., Stephan D. Fihn, Paul L. Hebert Ph.D.
Reliance on Medicare Providers by Veterans after Becoming Age‐Eligible for Medicare is Associated with the Use of More Outpatient Services
Paul L. Hebert Ph.D., Adam S. Batten B.A., Eric Gunnink M.S., Ashok Reddy M.D., M.Sc., Edwin S. Wong Ph.D., Stephan D. Fihn, Chuan‐Fen Liu M.P.H., Ph.D.
Empirical‐Based Typology of Health Care Utilization by Medicare Eligible Veterans
Mary Vaughan Sarrazin Ph.D., Gary E. Rosenthal, Carolyn L. Turvey Ph.D.
Association between Continuity and Team‐Based Care and Health Care Utilization: An Observational Study of Medicare‐Eligible Veterans in VA Patient Aligned Care Team
Ashok Reddy M.D., M.Sc., Edwin Wong Ph.D., Anne Canamucio M.S., Karin Nelson M.D., M.S.H.S., Stephan D. Fihn, Jean Yoon Ph.D., Rachel M. Werner M.D., Ph.D.
Dual Use and Hospital Admissions among Veterans Enrolled in the 's Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team
Amal N. Trivedi M.D., M.P.H., Lan Jiang M.S., Erin E. Johnson B.A., Julie C. Lima Ph.D., Michael Flores Ph.D., Thomas P. O'Toole M.D.
The Impact of Medicaid Enrollment on Veterans Health Administration Enrollees' Behavioral Health Services Use
Megan E. Vanneman Ph.D., M.P.H., Ciaran S. Phibbs Ph.D., Sharon K. Dally M.S., Amal N. Trivedi M.D., M.P.H., Jean Yoon Ph.D.
Selection of Higher Risk Pregnancies into Veterans Health Administration Programs: Discoveries from Linked Department of Veterans Affairs and California Birth Data
Jonathan G. Shaw M.D., M.S., Vilija R. Joyce M.S., Susan K. Schmitt Ph.D., Susan M. Frayne M.D., M.P.H., Kate A. Shaw M.D., M.S., Beate Danielsen Ph.D., Rachel Kimerling Ph.D., Steven M. Asch M.D., M.P.H., Ciaran S. Phibbs Ph.D.
Linkage of VA and State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Data to Examine Concurrent Opioid and Sedative‐Hypnotic Prescriptions among Veterans
Kathleen F. Carlson M.S., Ph.D., Tess A. Gilbert M.H.S., Benjamin J. Morasco Ph.D., Dagan Wright Ph.D., M.S.P.H., Joshua Van Otterloo M.S.P.H., Aldona Herrndorf M.P.H., Lawrence J. Cook M.Stat., Ph.D.
Comparative Assessment of Utilization and Hospital Outcomes of Veterans Receiving and Non‐ Outpatient Dialysis
Virginia Wang Ph.D., Cynthia J. Coffman Ph.D., Karen M. Stechuchak M.S., Theodore S.Z. Berkowitz M.S., Paul L. Hebert Ph.D., David Edelman M.D., Ann M. O'Hare M.D., Hollis J. Weidenbacher Ph.D., Matthew L. Maciejewski Ph.D.
Attributable Cost of Dementia: Demonstrating Pitfalls of Ignoring Multiple Health Care System Utilization
Lianlian Lei M.A., Susan G. Cooley Ph.D., Ciaran S. Phibbs Ph.D., Bruce Kinosian M.D., Richard M. Allman M.D., Anton P. Porsteinsson M.D., Orna Intrator Ph.D.
Costs Associated with Health Care Services Accessed through and in the Community through Medicare for Veterans Experiencing Homelessness
Richard E. Nelson Ph.D., Ying Suo M.Stat., Warren Pettey M.P.H., C.P.H., Megan Vanneman Ph.D., M.P.H., Ann Elizabeth Montgomery Ph.D., Thomas Byrne Ph.D., Jamison D. Fargo Ph.D., Adi V. Gundlapalli M.D., Ph.D.
Effect of Dual Use of Veterans Affairs and Medicare Part D Drug Benefits on Antihypertensive Medication Supply in a National Cohort of Veterans with Dementia
Carolyn T. Thorpe Ph.D., M.P.H., Walid F. Gellad, Maria K. Mor Ph.D., John P. Cashy Ph.D., John R. Pleis Ph.D., Courtney H. Van Houtven Ph.D., Loren J. Schleiden M.S., Joseph T. Hanlon Pharm.D., M.S., Joshua D. Niznik Pharm.D., Ronald L. Carico Pharm.D., M.P.H., Chester B. Good M.D., M.P.H., Joshua M. Thorpe Ph.D., M.P.H.
Dual Use of Department of Veterans Affairs and Medicare Benefits on High‐Risk Opioid Prescriptions in Veterans Aged 65 Years and Older: Insights from the VA Musculoskeletal Disorders Cohort
Philip W. Chui M.D., Lori A. Bastian M.D., M.P.H., Eric DeRycke M.P.H., Cynthia A. Brandt M.D., M.P.H., William C. Becker M.D., Joseph L. Goulet Ph.D.
The Impact of Healthcare‐Associated Methicillin‐Resistant Infections on Postdischarge Health Care Costs and Utilization across Multiple Health Care Systems
Richard E. Nelson Ph.D., Makoto Jones M.D., Chuan‐Fen Liu M.P.H., Ph.D., Matthew H. Samore M.D., Martin E. Evans M.D., Vanessa W. Stevens Ph.D., Thomas Reese Pharm.D., Michael A. Rubin M.D., Ph.D.
Differences in Risk Scores of Veterans Receiving Community Care Purchased by the Veterans Health Administration
Amy K. Rosen Ph.D., Todd H. Wagner Ph.D., Warren B. P. Pettey M.P.H., C.P.H., Michael Shwartz Ph.D., Qi Chen M.D., Ph.D., Jeanie Lo M.P.H., William J. O'Brien M.S., Megan E. Vanneman Ph.D., M.P.H.