Volume 47 | Number 3pt1 | June 2012
Access and Insurance Coverage
The Effect of Community Uninsurance Rates on Access to Health Care
Lindsay M. Sabik Ph.D.
Declines in Employer‐Sponsored Insurance between 2000 and 2008: Examining the Components of Coverage by Firm Size
Jessica Vistnes Ph.D, Alice Zawacki Ph.D, Kosali Simon Ph.D, Amy Taylor Ph.D
The Effect of aiver Expansions on Uninsurance Rates in Adult Populations
Adam Atherly Ph.D., Bryan E. Dowd Ph.D.,, Robert F. Coulam, Gery Guy
A Comparison of Two Approaches to Increasing Access to Care: Expanding Coverage versus Increasing Physician Fees
Chapin White Ph.D.
Hospital Performance
The Sensitivity of Adverse Event Cost Estimates to Diagnostic Coding Error
Gavin Wardle Ph.D., Walter P. Wodchis, Audrey Laporte Ph.D., Geoffrey M. Anderson M.M.D., Ph.D., G. Ross Baker
The Impact of Hospital Mergers on Treatment Intensity and Health Outcomes
Tamara B. Hayford Ph.D.
Minimum Nurse Staffing Legislation and the Financial Performance of alifornia Hospitals
Kristin L. Reiter Ph.D., David W. Harless, George H. Pink Ph.D., Barbara A. Mark
Quality and Outcomes
Applying the Criteria to Describe Three Effectiveness Trials of Weight Loss in Obese Patients with Comorbid Conditions
Russell E. Glasgow, Bridget Gaglio, Gary Bennett, Gerald J. Jerome, Hsin‐Chieh Yeh, David B. Sarwer, Lawrence Appel, Graham Colditz, Thomas A. Wadden, Barbara Wells
Management Systems, Patient Quality Improvement, Resource Availability, and Substance Abuse Treatment Quality
Dail Fields, Paul M. Roman, Terry C. Blum Ph.D.
Prevalence, Predictors, and Patient Outcomes Associated with Physician Co‐management: Findings from the Los Angeles Women's Health Study
Danielle E. Rose, Diana M. Tisnado, May L. Tao, Jennifer L. Malin, John L. Adams Ph.D., M.S., Patricia A. Ganz, Katherine L. Kahn M.D.
Family Doctor Responses to Changes in Incentives for Influenza Immunization under the Quality and Outcomes Framework Pay‐for‐Performance Scheme
Evangelos Kontopantelis Ph.D., Tim Doran, Hugh Gravelle Ph.D., Rosalind Goudie M.Sc., Luigi Siciliani Ph.D., Matt Sutton
Care Disparities
Colonoscopist and Primary Care Physician Supply and Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Screening
Jaime Benarroch‐Gampel M.D., Kristin M. Sheffield Ph.D., Yu‐Li Lin M.S., Yong‐Fang Kuo, James S. Goodwin, Taylor S. Riall M.D., Ph.D.
Decomposing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of Postacute Rehabilitation Care
George M. Holmes, Janet K. Freburger P.T., Ph.D., Li‐Jung E. Ku Ph.D., M.P.P.
Process of Care
Nursing Home Work Environment and the Risk of Pressure Ulcers and Incontinence
Helena Temkin‐Greener Ph.D., Shubing Cai, Nan Tracy Zheng Ph.D., Hongwei Zhao Sc.D., Dana B. Mukamel Ph.D.
Patient–Physician Role Relationships and Patient Activation among Individuals with Chronic Illness
Jeffrey A. Alexander Ph.D., Larry R. Hearld Ph.D., Jessica N. Mittler, Jillian Harvey M.P.H.