Volume 37 | Number 2 | April 2002
Policy Impact
Does Prospective Payment Really Contain Nursing Home Costs?
Li‐Wu Chen, Dennis G. Shea
Other Articles
Who Switches from Medigap to Medicare HMOs?
Thomas Rice, Rani E. Snyder, Gerald Kominski, Nadereh Pourat
Strategies for Reporting Health Plan Performance Information to Consumers: Evidence from Controlled Studies
Judith H. Hibbard, Paul Slovic, Ellen Peters, Melissa L. Finucane
Mental Health Costs and Access Under Alternative Capitation Systems in Colorado
Joan R. Bloom, Teh‐wei Hu, Neal Wallace, Brian Cuffel, Jaclyn W. Hausman, Mei‐Ling Sheu, Richard Scheffler
Two‐Year Outcomes of Fee‐for‐Service and Capitated Medicaid Programs for People with Severe Mental Illness
Brian J. Cuffel, Joan R. Bloom, Neal Wallace, Jaclyn W. Hausman, Teh‐wei Hu
Nursing Home Case‐Mix Reimbursement in Mississippi and South Dakota
Greg Arling, Barry Daneman
Research Briefs
Estimating Paid and Unpaid Hours of Personal Assistance Services in Activities of Daily Living Provided to Adults Living at Home
Mitchell P. LaPlante, Charlene Harrington, Taewoon Kang
Benefit‐Cost Analysis of Addiction Treatment: Methodological Guidelines and Empirical Application Using the DATCAP and ASI
Michael T. French, Helena J. Salomé, Jody L. Sindelar, A. Thomas McLellan
Discrepancies Between Explicit and Implicit Review: Physician and Nurse Assessments of Complications and Quality
Saul N. Weingart, Roger B. Davis, R. Heather Palmer, , Mary Beth Hamel, Kenneth Mukamal, Russell S. Phillips, Donald T. Davies, Lisa I. Iezzoni
Comparing Oral Health Care Utilization Estimates in the United States Across Three Nationally Representative Surveys
Mark D. Macek, Richard J. Manski, Clemencia M. Vargas, John Moeller